We are one of the few Yoga schools in the world that combine groundbreaking teachings in Somatics, science and art of Embodied Yoga, Non-dual Tantra, Embodied Awakening, permaculture and regenerative life, with the intention to be the change & Natural Movement Agents of the world.

👁 Faculty 👁

We believe in raising the voices of strong women teacher trainers in the yoga and movement world to change Guru mentality and the male-dominated trajectory that especially alienates the people under represented in wellness even more. This has been prevalent for many many moons.

This is NOT to alienate men, quite the opposite, we have also male teacher trainers and many men in our trainings and hope this will bring even more in!

It has continuously been our experience on this field of wellness and spirituality- women and womxn need to be lifted as teachers of teachers more.

All of us are dedicated to service and our own continuing curiosity toward life and movement, to serve and hold you the best way possible.


Satu Tuomela

Satu Tuomela is our founder and lead teacher trainer.

Satu has been teaching for more than 25 years and is known for her very unique, otherworldly and authentic transmission. Satu is specialised in Somatics and Embodiment practices. She is an experienced yoga teacher (ERYT2000) with more than 13000 teaching hours under her belt, Embodied Flow™ senior teacher, a teacher training facilitator, Creator of Authentic Flow (born 2009), Shake the Dust (reborn 2020),  Embodied Yin (born 2007) and Co-creator of Embodied Flow™ Yin program and a Reiki Master.

At the moment (year 2024), Satu is a registered BMCA student and enrolled to a Somatic Movement Education Program (Body-Mind Centering) that she hopes to finish soon.

Satu charms with her intuitive, all seeing facilitation, her Shamanic roots, goddess vibe and a big big love for classical non-dual Tantrik teachings. Her exquisite use of music, harmonium playing, singing, humour, loving presence, Somatic brilliance, immense space holding abilities and clear understanding of human body and how everybody is unique, is well known around the world.

Satu has a background in dancing (ballet, contemporary etc.) and basketball. She fell in love with yoga and somatics in her teens and started teaching almost immediately. Satu has studied two different 200h trainings in vinyasa flow and Hatha. Immersed in Anusara yoga, continued with two advanced teacher trainings in yoga (both 300h), the latest being Embodied Flow™ in 2014. She keeps on studying and practicing daily. Her main teachers at the moment are Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Adyashanti, Shambhavi Sarasvati, Daniel Foor and Sally Kempton. Satu continues studying Body-Mind Centering, classical Chinese Medicine, Tantra, and newly again, Buddhism.

Satu is a Non-dual Philosophies devotee, and honours her sādhana with passion. She is especially devoted to Trika Shaivism and The Way of Liberation by Adyashanti:

The Way of Liberation teachings are the spiritual teachings I have developed over the many years of being a spiritual teacher. Their primarily aim is to be practical and useful aids in the quest for spiritual liberation. In this sense they are a Way, or path, to liberation. They are not meant to be understood as metaphysical statements about the nature of reality, as much as they are a means to realize spiritual freedom in one’s own experience. The Way of Liberation teachings are oriented toward the task of awakening to your true nature as efficiently as possible, and embodying the awakened condition in your humanity, within the context of your everyday life.

The Way of Liberation teachings are also The Way, or the view, of the liberated condition itself. They express how existence is experienced from various levels of realization. And finally, The Way points to how the awakened condition can be manifest and lived in daily life. To awaken to your true nature is one thing; to live and express it in daily living is quite another.

Satu is one of the founders of Pranama Yoga Studio in Helsinki and the owner and co-founder of Pranama Tavira, Portugal.

Satu has had the privilege to teach and offer workshops, retreats, trainings and classes around the world from Hawaii to Europe, Australia and Asia.

Satu and her Authentic Flow Tribe run 20h, 50h, 100h, 200h and 500h-teacher trainings and advanced teacher trainings (we are a Yoga Alliance RYS200 & RYS300 school ) all over the world.


“True words of wise yogis have paradoxically pointed us towards this wordless Yoga, towards this practice, towards this Love, for thousands of years. Meet one of the world’s latest yogic magicians, Satu Tuomela.

In her teachings, Satu bridges these two truths seemingly effortlessly, gently, lovingly, and fiercely, using words which are somehow also wordless, sounds which are somehow also soundless and time as though it were timeless ; her cadence, her intonation, her questions, her gestures emanate into the room, somehow weaving themselves together to then land gently in our Bodies, to guide us into a fully embodied experience of our Selves, to our own great Heart, a Heart which lives in and speaks to us from every cell of our bodies and in every breath we take, and is connected to everything.

She is an alchemist, living in and speaking from her own deeply felt connection to the great ocean of consciousness, the Heart, the Center Center, she transmutes seemingly mundane energy, space and time into a sacred, healing vibration within the body, warmly and compellingly inviting you to explore and experience the profound flow of life, of energy, of Qi, streaming through you, as you, in every moment of the practice, and beyond.

She is a shaman, using her harmonium, her voice, her touch, her poetic language and her music to transport you into a deeper layer of your Self, your embodied Self, where you can tap into your own healing energies.

She is a virtuoso, her classes intuitively and intelligently curated from a deep well of insight, wisdom and creativity, offering an integrated experience between body, mind and spirit.

For anyone seeking a true practice of yoga, she is the real deal. Period. What a gift to all beings. Om. “

- Katharine Perkins, US

We are proud to have such a great team of trainers, teachers, teachings assistants and head of administration


  • Evy Ferraro

    Through the path of Yoga and various healing modalities, I have dedicated this lifetime to healing the patterns to which my own mental and physical struggles existed within. This path has now become one of devotion to facilitate others to do the same.

    As my own inner quest for wholeness has continued on its infinite journey, with its ebbs and flows, I have learnt to trust and follow its many tributaries into different modalities including various forms of Yoga, Pilates, Myofascial Release, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Release technique, Contact Improvisation, Shamanism, Somatic education incl: Thomas Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais, Mind-Body Centering and Franklin method and others.

    The marriage of these movement practices with non-dual Saiva Tantra has created infinitely creative recipes for truth. The embodied path of Tantra brings us nowhere but here. The goal is, and has always been exactly we are. It is through the vessel of the body, through its miraculous pathways of connectivity and exploration that we can awaken to the intimacy of presence.

  • Chelan Freeman

    There's always been a fierce presence calling me home, guiding me towards wholeness, an ember enclosed flickering with aliveness, strengthening my inner gaze. A desire to be inside the present moment guided me to find sanctuary in both deliberate silence & vibrant noise. I have continually received refuge laying my belly on our moist Earth & been deeply inspired by ethereal mystery, stories & ancient echoes. It's here in these spaces that I have encountered ways to listen more deeply & been enchanted by the reveal & the complexities hidden in the layers of existence.

    I found my voice, its wisdom & its ability to speak, through coming back to the body over & over again in motion, in dance & formless form, expanding my thresholds & meeting the edges of death with softness. I offer myself as a guide to this undoing, to this sensual meeting of mystery & matter. I hold dance rituals, intuitive movement, somatic practices, yoga classes & soul spaces. I am one of those people that will always be uncovering, expanding & diversifying pathways within as it's the only way for this vessel & embodiment of mine to collide in union. I facilitate & guide from this nectar for healing in all ways.

  • Fanny Olsson

    Yoga has been a growing part of Fanny's life for 14 years, and she has been a teacher for five years. She has a keen interest in the transformative processes of awareness, and her passion in teaching is to facilitate people towards an ever freer experience, both in the body, and in life as a whole.

    As a former medical biologist, Fanny is something of "body nerd"; though, today, her primarily focus is to know the body through the felt sense of the various layers and systems - something that she shares in her classes. With her deep love for Kashmir Shaivism and it's non-dualistic worldview, she also often weaves philosophy and tantric practices into her teaching, in an easily accessible manner.

  • Janni Popp

    My way into movements was through physical theatre and performance. I was drawn by the playfulness and explorations, loved dissolving into different characters, qualities and elements, and - despite not really enjoying any sports or exercise - I loved exhausting myself and testing my physical abilities on stage through jumping, repetition and high intensity moves. 

    Eventually the performance part and outer eye observer fell away, but my love for playing and becoming remained. 

    Yoga started as a pause and a place to practice being rather than performing, and when I met Satu in 2017 it felt like a true homecoming.

    I am deeply passionated and in awe of the human body, anatomy and physiology. I trained as a physiotherapist and am amazed of how everything around us is mirrored within and vice versa. Our bodies are so wise and contains so much knowledge and so many answers, that we just somehow learned not to listen to. In my teachings my main intention is to support the participants in remembering and reclaiming this inner wisdom and acknowledge how wild and beautiful these bodies are. When we connect to that, I believe, we come closer to each other as well - and closer to the continuous nature, we are a part of. 

  • Agnes Jovaisa

    Even as a child, I felt an urge to search for answers to the big questions and the great mystery of our existence, for mysticism in my life. I was more of a bookworm than a sporty type and didn’t realize at first, that I was looking for liberation through the body-mind, rather than transcendence through the mind only.

    Eventually, I found my way into the body’s wisdom through yoga and on the dance floor, and then: Wow. I got to experience that I this colorful, mystical world I was looking for exists within me, as me, through me, interconnected and interdependent with everything that is.

    In Trika Shaivism, I found words and concepts for my experiences and in non-dual Somatics I found pathways to get here, even more. As a movement guide, DJ and sound practitioner, I reside where silence and sound, rest and dance intertwine.

    Direct experience has led me into stillness, and at the same time, into the raw vibrancy of movement. I guide somatic movement & yoga, ecstatic dances, sound journeys and cacao ceremonies. I call myself incredibly lucky to weave in my studio BEING SPACE in Hamburg, Germany.

  • Silvana “Sisa” Saveri

    Sisa is an ISMETA certified Somatic Movement Educator and Embodied Flow™️ Yoga facilitator. She aims to support people to find more freedom and ease in their body-minds, without denying the reality a lot of us live with - chronic pain, physical and emotional restrictions, oppressive systems, or mental obstacles we might have constructed for ourselves. 

    Sisa’s offerings weave non-dual tantric philosophy, somatic practices like Body-Mind Centering ®️, and astrology-guided rituals to help connect back to our bodies and the full spectrum of what life has to offer. Acknowledging space for joy, grief, pleasure, anger, and love, allows her to not only nurture herself but also provide unwavering support to those she works with on their own journeys.

    Her astrological practice is based on Hellenistic tradition and is, just like her somatic practice, informed by the deep-rooted belief that we are already whole. In recent years she has combined both passions into what she calls AstroSomatics, bridging the gap between the celestial and the bodily spheres, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness between ourselves, the universe, and the world we live in.

  • Bridget Inglis

    For over 30 years, I have been practicing and teaching yoga, creating a hub in the UK village I lived for over 23 years.  Holding space for people to come and practice, for connection, for those to feel and flow. To experience both stillness, movement and centre.

    When I met Satu and joined the Authentic Flow Tribe I was blessed to be able to taste a different sweet flavour that is within somatics and embodiment, Body-Mind Centering and the non-dual Tantrik teachings.

    Stability, continuity and creativity in any community is what I feel my roles are in life, and this follows through in my work as an administrator - the anchor, the glue, the earth and fire.

    I have worked with Satu and the Authentic Flow Tribe for a few years now and love the marriage between yoga and administration.  Learning through the non-dual allows me to harness my abilities as an administrator to guide, to harness, to weave my magic into the company as well as ground and stay connected to those I come in contact with. 

  • Eduardo Terzidis

    My work stems out from the understanding that we humans have co-evolved with plants, animals and all living and non-living beings in this Universe. We are mirrors of everything that is around us, thus it is in our perceived disconnection from the natural world that resides the very source of our environmental and spiritual crises. For this reason, I aim at creating whole-istic solutions to re-connect to that lost sense of belonging this magnificent web of life.

    I offer solutions and experiences that sustain that nourish every individual and the connections between us all for many generations to come.

    I have gathered extensive knowledge as a Permaculture Designer and transformed my life by engaging with spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, somatics and surfing. In the last years, I have facilitated the creation of many regenerative projects including, regenerative homesteads, intentional communities, educational projects, institutes and agricultural organisations. I have also supported individuals find their mission and purpose by integrating the design principles of permaculture with the tools I have gathered from my spiritual practices.

    Today, I am dedicated to offering transformative experiences for people to reconnect to a deep sense of belonging to Life.

  • Lina Jarl

    With roots in ancient oriental practices and curiosity for new experiences, Lina holds tradition in one hand and creation in the other. Lina Jarl is a mover, somatic intuitive, full-time body therapist and movement educator. Coming from a background of multicultural dance, arts and education she stumbled over the teachings of Shiatsu over 20 years ago and immediately fell in love - combining what she cherished so much: touch, energy and deep listening. After practicing Shiatsu for several years she continued to deepen her knowledge in Chinese Medicine and studied acupuncture, qi gong, nutrition as well as other body therapy modalities like Yoga, Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release and Feldenkreis. Encountering Embodied Flow™ in 2014 inspired her into another dimension of awareness and freedom which led her to explore the world of embodiment and yoga. Since 2005 she is an accredited member of the Swedish Association of Professional Body Therapists. She is a certified Body Therapist and Embodied Flow™ teacher and holds certifications as an MSc Health & Social Science and a BA Literature and Modern Languages. Today Lina has a busy clinic while sharing her wisdom in retreats and trainings in Yoga, Somatics, Shiatsu, Qi Gong and Reiki.

Where infinite becomes intimate

"It is my belief that we carry in our cells, in our tissues, in the very throb of our existence an underlying flow that urges, inspires, flares our nostrils and beats our heart. This encompassing atmosphere of love has its own destiny — perhaps using humans as its messengers, this love has arrived on Earth."

-Emilie Conrad


We, the members of the Authentic Flow community, seek to facilitate the recognition that all human beings - our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children and elders, ancestors and yet-to-be-borns - are interconnected and are, in fact, one indivisible Whole, known as Humanity.

Insodoing, we promote practices designed to remind us of our connection to each other and our responsibilities to each other as co-creators of our collective reality.

When we recognize each other as our very selves, we naturally abide in Love and are compelled to act in ways which nourish and protect the wellbeing of each other.

We stand for the embodiment on earth of loving awareness and undivided unity. We stand for interconnectedness with nature and all life on Earth. We join article 1 of the Human Rights Declaration 1948: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of community”. We stand by wisdom traditions such as non-dual Tantra and Buddhism, as well as animism that embrace a non-dual approach to our collective existence together.

We seek to assist all humans, regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, or ethnic group, to shed fear-based, "othering" as a way of thinking and acting, and to embrace the reality of our interdependence on and intimacy with all that is.

We uphold non-violent means to bringing material conflicts to solutions promoting the wellbeing of all of humanity, thus furthering the universal recognition in ourselves and others, of our indivisible Whole and the Love that has been, is, and always will be revealed as the foundation and center of our existence.



Schedule Appointment

Weekly classes are most Fridays (authentic flow) and Sundays (Shake the dust) at 10:00 and some Wednesdays 6:30pm (yin) CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME

We are a Tree sister.

We have been a part of Tree sisters since 2019 and donate for every training we hold.

Know that you are contributing to trees planted all over the world through us and the Tree sisters every time you book an in-person training with us ❤️

Our total trees funded is 3775 (November 2023). As treesisters are not counting trees anymore we won’t be able to keep you updated! But every month we donate for everyone that travelled to our gatherings and trainings 🤗


We believe in inclusiveness, equality, and diversity.

In each teacher training we offer full and pay what you can scholarship opportunities, the total cost of training tuition, for any marginalized person in need. (please specify this in your application).

We are committed to offering our unique and life-changing experiences to all people, including those that are under-represented in wellness and/or with low income. 

Subscribe to our newsletter.




“Where words fail, music speaks.” 

- Hans Christian Andersen


What people are saying.


“So much happened during this week! I went to bed in my enormous tent each night, arms and legs spread and with a giant grin on my face. ”

— Helene, VESSEL teacher training

“In her teachings, Satu bridges these two truths seemingly effortlessly, gently, lovingly, and fiercely, using words which are somehow also wordless, sounds which are somehow also soundless and and time as though it were timeless”

— Kathrine, DEPTH Teacher training

“ I felt safe all the way through and a feeling of, we were in this together”

— Louise, Embodied Yin Teacher training