Authentic Flow

Somatic Ecstatic Dance

“Human beings need ecstatic trance. Trance states have played a vital and necessary role in human culture and in the shaping of human history, causing some anthropologists to label the attainment of these states the 'main need' of the 'ceremonial animal' that is the human being. Trance states traditionally help communities reinforce shared bonds, establish values, gain insight into the nature of reality, establish reciprocal relation with the natural world, and even heal. Yet in the modern world, trance states have been pathologized by both institutionalized religion and science, and ecstatic ritual has lost its centrality. “ (From Joshua Schrei )

Journeys held with integrity offer us the ability as humans to meet thresholds within ourselves, lean towards the edge of emotions & to release inner critics. It is a powerful practice to lead & hold space for, a real testimony to the marriage of music & dance & its importance in serving our communities.

Trance states have always been and continue to be essential for human thriving. The effects of ecstatic dance are described as rapture, connectedness to others, to our emotions and non-dual recognition. The dance itself serves as a moving meditation from somatisation, awakening us into our true nature, self-recognition, further expanding into that which is unborn and never ceasing. When access to these states is not explored we might seek ecstasy in darker, more destructive ways.

Each & every human body is designed to move & be moved by life itself, knowingly or unknowingly the body wants to be in motion, it yearns to be in rhythm, it awaits connectivity & resonance through vibration, through flow within space & time.

Here we explore the accessibility of this expressive art form by learning to guide purposeful, intentional dances that alleviate barriers & welcome the unique blueprint of each individual to find their body's primal voice, to unleash that which is waiting to be witnessed.

Within the dance we explore our inner resources, capacities & call upon the essence of joy & ecstasy to assist harmonious transformation.

Using access points & elemental teachings we will storytell & hold space using maps of orientation for the explosion of Dance, the journey into the aliveness of sensation & the fall into gravity's embrace.

We will hold space for the Dance to appear as it desires. Free from rules, WE DANCE.