HEART 100h


“The ultimate Consciousness is always present everywhere. It is beyond space and time,with not before or after. It is undeniable and obvious. So what can be said about it?”


23.-29th of November 2024, Pranama Tavira, Portugal.

This is for you who desires a steady and fruitful seated practice, loves philosophy and wants to offer more in-depth Tantrik Sādhanā to yourself and your students + bring a whole new level to somatics!

 HEART is all about the direct realization traditions and the natural, unconditioned state of aliveness that, though inconceivable, can be directly known and lived from. The module is a deep dive into the life-affirming tantrik view and methods, along with somatics that awakens the felt-sense of the teachings for yourself and your students. It is an invitation into a more intimate relationship with existence, and to the powerful enlightened potential at the heart of your own being. It is a portal to the path that offers a solution to the non-existent problem that is living, through engagement, creative imagination and alchemy.

 Each day will explore one of the many facets of the tradition and the tantrik/non-dual disposition, through satsang, sadhana, selected sutras from some of the scriptures, somatics, and more. And you will walk away with a toolbox of engaging practices (such as mantra-s, energy body practices, visualizations, and somatizations) and liberating perspectives to bring home to your own personal sadhana, as well as to your community.


Day one: Overview - Non-duality, Tantra (a bit of history, characteristics, and lineage variety), Awakening, the Absolute and the Relative, Polarity and Union (Shiva-Shakti, feminine/masculine (not the genders), wisdom/method).

Day Two: The Heart - Becoming The View, Embodiment Of The Five Powers & The Five Acts of the Divine, Madhya.

Day Three: Turning Poison Into Nectar - Samskara Theory, Emotions, Emotional Digestion & Transformation.

Day Four: Prana, Energy Body (eg. Chakra, Nadis) & Kundalini

Day Five: Karma, Samsara & Spiritual/Ordinary Rebirth - Ego vs. Selflessness, Yidam and Deity Yoga (The Enlightened Alter Ego).

Day Six: Tantrik Cosmology & The Five Elements

Day Seven: Vak and Intuitive Insight (Pratibha) and Tie It All Together - From Map to Direct Realization, Pitfalls On The Path (eg. Spiritual Materialism & Bypass)


Make sure to arrive a day before. We end 6pm the last day.

Everyday 9am - 5:30 pm 

Lunch break 12-13:30

Afternoon break 16-16:30


Satu Tuomela (founder of AFT and Cocoon, senior teacher of yoga and somatics)

Fanny Olsson (Senior teacher of yoga and the non-dual path of Tantra, host of The Cyclical Sadhana podcast)


Our pay what you can price is minimum 690€ but please pay what you can on top, that will give an opportunity for us to keep on offering these trainings.

Included: the 100h yoga alliance certified training (part of our 300h training), extensive manual, online content for after and snacks.

IMPORTANT- For full 100h Yoga Alliance certified training you are expected to:

Homework before: 30min pranayama + meditation daily for 2 weeks before + recommended reading.

Homework after: full sadhana 30-60min daily (at least most days 🤗) for 21 days (and it hopefully stays) and 3 class plans with philosophical focus including somatics. + book assignment.

You can also attend to deepen your practice and studies without homework. Price is the same!

Terms and conditions